Ordering and Payment Procedures
User Charges | Payment Methods | Standard PricesNOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information provides customers with both prepared, off-the-shelf products such as publications, DVDs / CD-ROMs, and data products produced from data selectively retrieved from the archive. Requests for general information and referral services should spell out both the information required and the application for which it is needed. Knowing about the problem the user is trying to solve often helps NODC to provide more complete and relevant information.
Requests for products and services (and credit card orders) should be directed to Customer Services, or order online at the Online Store (for CD-ROMs, DVDs, and Publications)
NOAA’s National Data Centers are now NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
[Tax ID # 52-0821608]
Non-Federal Customer Payment Policy
All non-federal customers must pay in advance unless this requirement is specifically waived. Please include payment for any RUSH, special mailing, or bank transfer fee charges when required. Please allow one week transit time for mailed payments to be received at the NNDC Fiscal Department.
User Charges
NOTE: Most data downloaded online is free of charge. Customized requests, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and publications may have a fee associated with the product.Prices for data products and services are set in accordance with policy guidelines of NOAA and the Department of Commerce. Every effort is made to keep prices at a level that does not hinder access to data. Standard prices have been established for one-to-one dataset copies, for customized data selection and retrieval (on hard copy media or via FTP), and for CD-ROM or DVD data products. Users working under time constraints needing faster-than-normal service may request that their jobs be given priority attention. Such rush orders are subject to an additional rush order surcharge. See standard prices below.
Payment Methods
Charge Card : NCEI (or NNDC) accepts payment in U.S. currency by MasterCard, VISA, American Express, and Discover. Cardholder’s name, charge card number and expiration date are required. When indicating this method of payment via mail or fax, the cardholder must sign the document authorizing the charge.
NOTE: Effective July 1, 2011, NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information will not accept checks (nor money orders) in payment for orders. Prepayment is required and the accepted forms of payment are Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, wire transfers and Automated Clearing House.
- Subscription Renewal
Mail a copy of the subscription renewal invoice with payment to:
NOAA NCEI, P.O. Box 979023, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000
- Other Data (ordered by mail)
Mail correspondence to:U.S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NCEI
National Centers for Environmental Information
Attn: Customer Services
151 Patton Avenue, Room 120
Asheville, NC 28801-5001
Phone: 828-271-4800
Email: ncdc.info@noaa.gov
Automated Clearing House (ACH):ACH is an electronic network, which transfers funds on your behalf from your financial institution to ours. ACH payments, in U.S. currency, should be sent directly to:
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 33 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10045 with the following information:
- Company Name Name of Remitter
- Company ID Tax ID
- Company Entry Description FEE (Example only)
- Date
- Receiving Company: ABA 0510-3670-6
- Account Number: 540022
- Dollar Amount Supplied by Remitter
- Individual ID Number Order # or Pro forma #
- Agency Name: NOAA National Data Centers
** Note: In addition to the total cost of your data/product(s) order, you MUST add your bank’s ACH transfer fee. Please contact your bank for the correct ACH transfer fee amount. **
Wire Transfers:
Wire payments, in U.S. currency, should be sent directly to:
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 33 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10045with the following information:
TAG NAME TAG NUMBER REQUIRED INFORMATIONType/Subtype Code (1,510) 1000 Dollar Amount (2,000) $9,999,999.99
(example only)Sender Financial Institution (3,100) Sending Fin. Inst's. Routing & Transit # and Bank name Sender Reference (3,320) Completed by Sender Receiver Financial Institution (3,400) 021030004 TREAS NYC Beneficiary (4,200) D
13140001 - NOAA National Data CentersOriginator to Beneficiary Info. (6,000) Payment Detail (e.g. Order #) Swift Code (if required) FRNYUS33 ** Note: In addition to the total cost of your data/product(s) order, you MUST add your bank’s wire transfer fee. Please contact your bank for the correct wire transfer fee amount. **
For additional information, or clarification, please feel free to contact NOAA’s NNDC by phone at (828) 271-4037, by fax at (828) 271-4009 or by email at NeSFiscal.NCDC@noaa.gov.
Please be sure to include specific information about the product being ordered and include the customer's name and shipping address.
Standard Unit Prices
A pricing policy and price schedule for NOAA/NESDIS data and information products and services is in effect. Prices are subject to change without notice.
Item Regular Price Discount Online Store Price PUBLICATIONS $32 DATA SELECTION/RETRIEVAL
Select, Retrieve, and/or Customize Datasets and send to you using CD-R, DVD-R, Email, FTP, or other Electronic Data Transfer, including one-to-one copies.$77 All older CD-ROMs and DVDs have reached their fair market value and are now $17 each for the regular price (if you email or call us), or $13 each when ordering using the Online Store. $17
$13 CD-ROM / DVD Products Year 2009 and later: $17 Future Products will be priced at their Fair Market Value.