NOAA Marine Environmental Buoy Data (F291) C-MAN ERRORS

The following is a recreation of a memo I received from Dave Gilhousen of NDBC concerning recently discovered anemometer elevation errors. Please alert your present and future customers. This information should also be included in the CD-ROMS being produced.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Data Buoy Center
Stennis Space Center, Mississippi 39529-60O0
January 5, 1994 F1804-06.01

MEMORANDA FOR: E/CC23 - Pete Steurer, E/OC11 - Phil Hadsell

FROM: W/DB3 - David B. Gilhousen

SUBJECT: Anemometer Elevations of C-MAN Stations on Piers

Mr. Sam Houston of NOAA's Hurricane Research Laboratory discovered that we have been archiving a misleading anemometer height for NDBC C-MAN stations installed on piers. The anemometer heights have been above pier level, not above water level. Since the piers do not represent a significant obstruction to atmospheric flow, the height above water level is the more logical choice to provide to users. The C-MAN stations with the incorrect heights are DPIA1, LKWF1, PTAT2, SAUF1, and VENF1. The following table gives both the incorrect and corrected heights for these stations. The heights have been corrected starting with the November 1993 archive tape.

This error has also caused the extrapolated winds in the national section of the real-time message to be incorrect. The estimated winds at the 10 and 20 meter level were too high and have been corrected as of December 1, 1993.

Station ID Site Name Incorrect Height(ft) Correct Height (ft) Installation Date
DPIA1 Dauphin Island, AL 32 57 11/86
LKWF1 Lake Worth, FL 30 45 07/84
PTAT2 Port Aransas, TX 32 49 03/84
SAUF1 St. Augustine, FL 27 54 09/86
VENF1 Venice, FL 26 38 03/86
